I work at home, set my own working schedule...
I work without agents, so all the money remains to me.
1.281 Active Models

Frequent questions and answers about the job

Here is a list of your most frequent questions and answers, related to working as webcam model.

It is common for new models to always have many questions, to which we will answer gladly at any time.

If you have further questions, not answered below, do not hesitate to ask us anything and contact us

Frequent asked questions about working from home via internet

What does a webcam model do?
Video model talks and flirts to people from all over the world via web camera over internet. As a model you earn money every minute, from every visitor you chat to live online. You can also load photos to a payable album and film payable videos, which can bring you extra money while you are offline.

What kind equipment do I need to do this job?
You need a computer or laptop and a web camera. Of course you also need internet connection, which should be as fast as possible. It is also possible to work via mobile internet, if you have a good signal.

Can I use the camera that is integrated in laptop?
You can, but the picture quality is lower, therefore, it is recommended to have a camera of better quality.

Can I see or hear people that I chat with?
You can, but only in private chat. In other chat options only they can watch you, you cannot see them.

Can I block annoying, intruding or offensive people?
Yes, you can block whoever you want and disable them entrance into your chat room.

How much do video models earn?
Models usually earn from €20 to €100 per hour. The most working and talented models can earn over €5,000 a month.

Can I start making money right away?
Yes! Register, fill out your chat profile and start earning money.

What influences on how much I earn?
The combination of your personality, relaxed attitude, imagination, quality of transmission, your attitude towards the visitors and readiness to do whatever the visitors want you to.

How do I know that this is not a fraud?
We will never ask about your credit card or demand any form of payment. The job is without obligations and entirely cost free on your side. You can stop working anytime you decide that this job is not for you.

What is the age limit and is any specific appearance required for cooperation?
Any girl over 18 years old can participate. Your looks are completely irrelevant. The main factor in acquiring permanent visitors is your personality. The visitors search for kind, vivacious girls to talk relaxed to.

When do I get my payment?
The pay-outs are every first of a month.

Where can I work?
You can work from any place that has internet connection. If you use mobile internet, then you have no limits about location of your work.

Can other people also appear in front of the camera with me?
You have complete freedom to choose how and with whom you perform in front of the web camera.

Do you also offer guidance and help at the beginning and any possible advice later on?
Sure! You can contact us anytime and you get all the help we can get you.

Can my real identity and personal data be revealed?
Your personal data are completely secret and are strictly confidential by law.


Can anybody find out where I am physically located?
No. Unless you reveal your location via chat or camera, nobody can know where you are. Your computer I.P. address is restricted to all an is not accessible.

How long does it take to approve my profile and start earning money?
Usually a new profile is checked and approved within 24 hours.

Where to register?

Do you want to know anything else?


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